Department: Middle School
Ben Pagel
Ben and his wife, Shilah, have one son named Elijah. They can usually be seen out walking their dogs around Sheboygan...
Jeff Diener
Jeff and his wife, Stephanie, have been married for over 24 years and have been blessed with 5 kids: Aidan (college...
Sierra Steuerwald
Sierra and her husband Luke met while attending Maranatha Baptist University and were married in 2010. After...
Luke Steuerwald
Growing up in a family of educators and as the oldest of six kids, Luke has known he wanted to be a teacher since being...
Jonathan Engbers
Jonathan is new to the SCS community but has roots in Sheboygan via his mother’s side of the family. He moved to...
Janna Vanden Brink
Janna graduated from Dordt University with a BA in K-12 Instrumental Music Education and a minor in Music Performance....
Riley VanHulzen
Riley is in her 2nd year teaching at SCS. She is originally from Lynden, Washington and comes from a family of four...
Roshelle Doornbos
Roshelle (Hazeu) Doornbos grew up in Sheboygan and attended Sheboygan Christian School K-12. She is married to...
Rachael Bilyk
Rachael has taught 6th-12th math and science courses since 2017, and is excited to continue at SCS teaching middle...