When Love Came Down
Dear Parents and Friends of SCS,
I had to run into Target the other day, and I was struck by how much extra stuff the store was selling. There were aisle kiosks full of small items and eye catching advertisements. Tons of stuff nobody really needs. This got me to thinking about what we really need. The world needs more love. We were reminded of that again during both Christmas programs last week. We have been given the most perfect example of love, and we celebrate that love this season. “For God so loved the world, that gave his one and only Son…” John 3:16
When Love came down so long ago, He showed us how to love each other. It’s this love that we have the opportunity to practice each day. I feel particularly blessed that I have the opportunity to see this love in action each day at school. I’ll share a few examples here:
- High school students brainstorming about how to increase the emotional health of students who might be struggling
- Middle school students using a “Five Dollar Challenge” to collect shoes for those in need, among many other service projects with a focus on love
- A kindergartener praying deeply for an aunt with cancer
- Students moving to another lunch table so that no student had to sit alone
- Teachers giving up their prep times to help substitutes or to cover for other teachers
- Students giving up allowance money to give to the hurricane project or the compassion child
- Administrative assistants caring for sick children in the office as if they were their own
- A student telling another student, “I forgive you, because Jesus forgave me when I did it.”
- Community members coming together in “Shoot for a Cure” to raise over $2,200.00
Because we are a Christian school, we talk about modeling Jesus Christ’s love for others each and every day. Sometimes this love comes naturally. Sometimes this love needs to be taught. By teaching and modeling this kind of love, we plant seeds so that our students will want to share this love as they impact the world for Jesus Christ.
SCS is thankful too for the love shown from our community. Thank you for coming to sporting events, Christmas concerts, and so many other events. Thank you for the time and resources you share with us because you love the children and our school.
May God bless you and your family as you celebrate the big event when Love came down to be with us. May we together continue to share this love with others and with the world. Merry Christmas!
In Christ’s Love,
Ann Steenwyk