Welcome New Board Member: Veronica Norton

Name: Veronica Norton 

Spouse’s Name: Steven Norton 

Church Affiliation: Christ Community Church Sheboygan 

Family Information: Addison (10th Grade), Isabella (3rd Grade)

Employment Information: Anchor of Hope Health Center: Marketing Coordinator

Church/School Activities you are or have been involved with: For church, I have been involved in attending and helping lead/organize women’s Bible study, helping at our VBS yearly, I am a member of our church’s Adult Ministries team, help with social media for our church Facebook as well as help prayerfully support my husband in his role as Decon. For SCS, I was a member and president of Booster Club a few years ago,I am currently One Walk chair and have helped in various activities for school events, my children’s classrooms activities/trips/sports and general involvement for a variety of school things. (Concessions, digital/media work, fundraising, etc.)

What do you like most about SCS? There are so many things I could list, but one of my favorite things about SCS is the real life application of education and Biblical teachings. Students get to learn and grow both academically and in their faith-and then they get to put that into action in real-world situations and grow as they gain an understanding of what it means to use their passions and gifts to serve God’s Kingdom. Secondly, my favorite thing is the school, student, family, and church connection. Having a stable foundation of growth not only for students, but partnering with parents and churches to form and build connections to really help students grow and be supported is a huge blessing and gift.

Why did your family choose SCS over other schools? Our oldest daughter had attended SCS for pre-school, but then switched to public school from K-4th grade. I think the path to choosing SCS again was more of God’s plan that it was ours. When we had applied for a voucher for her to attend SCS for 5th grade, at the time, my husband was not a believer yet and we did not belong to a consistent church at the time. I had prayerfully wanted her to attend SCS (having known many parents who had kids attending SCS at the time) and as there were many challenges she was facing at public school. I knew and felt led that I wanted her to be in an environment where she could talk openly about her faith and grow in that aspect. God had that planned out more than I could ever describe. Along with other factors, God’s plans to land her at SCS led us to our church, led my husband to faith, and was a part of changing our family dynamics and story for His glory. When it came time to continue her at SCS and choose SCS for our youngest-there was no question that the impact SCS was having on our children, our family and our community was evident and it is a prayerful and confident decision we make each year to continue them at SCS and why we recommend SCS to anyone we get the opportunity to.

What do you think is the most important goal for SCS? I think one of the biggest things I have seen as my kids get older is to prepare students to hold steady to their faith when they go into the world and have the academic teachings to grow in the areas God calls them to. The way SCS wraps all the academics and learning in and through scripture, and the way they connect it all together-I believe helps shape the students to be equipped in faith and academic stability when they leave the walls of SCS. I also think that an important goal is continuing to build on the parent, church and community connection with SCS. Partnership with parents and encouraging, supporting and equipping those areas to teach Biblical values at home and belonging to a church and partnering with SCS to help create students who have Biblical foundations in all areas to grow and expand in faith.

If you could do one thing to increase SCS’ visibility in the community, what would it be? I honestly think SCS does a great job at community engagement and connections, knowing that there is always room for growth. As parents who come from non-faith homes and who are building families on Biblical truths and foundations for the first time (which I do not think we are alone in as SCS dynamics and families change), an idea that I have thought of would be to have parent nights with specific topics to help grow your students faith at home. I think this could contribute to creating that SCS, parent, church, etc. connection.

Why did you accept the nomination to serve our community on the School Board? Our family is always open to helping and supporting in any areas of school where things are needed as we can or are called, because we are so grateful for the opportunity that our girls get to have to be SCS students. This was a prayerful decision that I brought to God and even in moments where I do not feel qualified-I have learned to trust His leading. I think helping to support school with the unique position our children are in is helpful as well to bring fresh ideas and thoughts. It is helpful when you have big kids and little kids to see a variety of sides to things going on at and within SCS, so having a 10th grader and a 3rd grader helps to understand multiple angles and ideas.