SCS High School Theater Presents: Fairy Tale Courtroom
The Sheboygan Christian High School Theater Department proudly presents: Fairy Tale Courtroom!
- Thursday, April 27 @1:30pm
- Friday, April 28 @ 7pm
- Saturday, April 29 @ 7pm
- $10 Adults
- $5 Children and Seniors
- FREE to Enrolled SCS Students
This comedy shows the other side of several familiar fairy tales, when two of their biggest villains, the Big Bad Wolf and the Wicked Witch, are brought to trial. Both the Wolf and the Witch have been frolicking from fairy tale to fairy tale, wreaking havoc as they try to prevent the general public from living happily ever after. Hear the personal accounts of what happened, told in testimonies and flashback sequences, from characters such as Snow White, Dorothy, Sleeping Beauty, the Three Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and many others, including the Witch and the Wolf themselves, as each trial unfolds. The audience is the jury, so each performance may have a different ending, depending on the verdict. This show is great for the whole family! The run time is about 1 hour and 20 minutes.