SCS Class of 2022: High School Graduation Highlights
The Class of 2022, the 50th graduating class of Sheboygan Christian High School, received their diplomas at a commencement ceremony on Friday, May 27th. Class salutatorian Collin Perkins lead with a devotional message based on the class verse: Proverbs 19:20-21. His twin sister Anna gave an insightful and heartfelt valedictory address. Board member, SCS parent, and Calvary OPC pastor David Cornette gave the graduation message and even surprised the graduates by singing song to them.
Congratulations to the class of 2022! We give thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness to you and pray for his direction in your life beyond our walls!
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.”
-Proverbs 19:20-21
The SCS Class of 2022
- Emilie Hui Bo Ackley
- Jared Anakin Filteau
- William Eric Grasse
- Kory Keith Hendricks
- Justin Taylor Hendrikse
- Maxwell Reece Hildebrandt
- Elijah Ha Neul Johnson
- Aidan Layne Kraemer
- Brandon Michael LeMahieu
- Michael John Modahl
- Ciara Grace Moericke
- Anna Marie Perkins
- Collin Kenneth Perkins
- Ashley Elizabeth Rahn
- Josiah Robert Stecker