Join the Lord’s Work
Dear Parents and Friends of SCS,
Don’t you just love it how God always reminds us that we haven’t yet arrived? I don’t know about you, but whenever I achieve a goal, there’s always another big one waiting for me to get to. I believe God made life this way so that we totally rely on Him and look to Him to help us with our goals. We need to work with Him to have the perseverance to complete the work He has for us.
This year we have the opportunity to dig deep into who we are and how we function through the Christian Schools International accreditation process. Our School Improvement Team is made up of staff members, board members, and parents who are working together to assess areas we can celebrate and areas in which we need to improve. The process is a year long process, consisting of 7 different tasks, 4 strands of many standards, and a site visit. The work is big, but it is good work. Thank you to those of you who have completed surveys and provided us with feedback as we begin this journey. We look forward to sharing our findings with you as we consider next steps for making our school exactly what God intends it to be.
As we begin this new school year, we’d like to challenge you, our community, to join us as we work to develop ourselves spiritually. This past summer I came upon a Bible verse that I decided to claim out loud every day. Here is the verse I chose: “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8. As a result proclaiming this verse out loud every morning, I memorized it and now proclaim it several times throughout the day anywhere I am. When our teachers came back to school, I challenged them to do the same thing. Then, when our students came back, I challenged them to do the same thing. Now, I challenge you to also choose a verse and claim it everyday. Put it on the mirror so you see it in the morning, or by your bedside as you say goodnight to the Lord. We will have posters in each school that will share the verses we’ve chosen as a school. When you are in our buildings, please share yours with us. Together, hundreds of us will be proclaiming God’s word each day and acknowledging that He is our God, and we are His people.
I hope you’ve had a great start to a new season, a new school year that will relish in God’s love for His children. Please don’t be a stranger; be a part of the work SCS is doing. Let me know if you need some ideas. I look forward to seeing you involved along the way.
Ann Steenwyk
Director of Academics and Instruction