High School Academic Awards

Earlier this month, each high school department recognized an outstanding high school student in their area of study. In our annual Department Awards Ceremony, these students were recognized by our faculty for their achievements and commitment to excellence. Congratulations to all of the recipients. Thank you for being living examples of scholarship at SCS!

Photo Gallery of Award Winners

DepartmentStudent Award Winner
ArtNoan DeYarman
BibleMaria Zylstra
BusinessPeter Daane
DramaAndrea Rozeboom
EnglishAaron Beimborn
Information TechnologyAaron Beimborn
MathematicsKayla Engelsma
Music (Instrumental)Elliot Fortuine
Music (Vocal)Noah DeYarman
ScienceKayla Engelsma
SCS SpiritGreta Leikip / Jackson Kiel
Social StudiesJosh Vincent
Technical EducationJoe Putnam
World LanguagesLauryn Cornette
Youth ApprenticeshipLily Werth