FLEx: Critters for Kids in Foster Care
The fifth grade art classes sewed stuffed critters to give to children in foster care. After learning about foster care, the students thought of ways they could show love and care to kids in that situation. One idea that kept coming up was to make stuffed animals.
Elementary school Art Teacher Mrs. Abe taught them how to felt and sew their “stuffies” after they received some drawings from the children. They used problem solving skills to transform a drawing into a stuffed creature and lived into their God given role of being Beauty Creators for God’s glory.
To celebrate, Kristy, a foster care coordinator from the Department of Health and Human Services, came to speak about foster care and answer our questions. We ended our celebration by giving all of the stuffed critters to her to distribute to children. The fifth graders were thrilled to use their creative talents to spread joy to kids in our community!