SCS Business Students Advance in Regional Competition
Did you know that SCS has a brand new Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) club? FBLA is the largest business Career and Technical Student Organization in the world. The organization holds annual regional, state, and national competitions for high school students interested in careers in business.
Led by SCS High School Business teacher Amanda Hildebrand, our FBLA club recently competed in our first ever regional competition at Chilton High School. The competition boasted over 600 students from regional high schools. We are thrilled to report that three of our students advanced to the state competition! These students are:
- Matt Wirtjes
- Conor DeRoos
- Jonathan Engels
These three young men will now compete at the state level in Green Bay on April 8 & 9. Thanks to coach Hildebrand for starting this club, and great job to all of the club members for being so successful- even in our first year of operation!